Creativity into clarity

One newsletter. Once a quarter. Keep up with latest projects and unexpected stories of creativity from our team.

    4534 Point 3 Web Credentials Ngati Porou FA
    Client Ngati Porou
    Scope Corporate Identity
    THE challenge

    A dedicated and resilient team driven to create innovative models of care. With a bold vision to restore the health of their community, in this isolated part of New Zealand in just one generation. Our brief was to work with iwi to positively impact their future. Our first collective steps defined a framework ‘Nāti and Hearty’.

    THE solve

    Strong, raw and knowledgeable; the new identity and portfolio of logos represent progression, togetherness and strength with wellness at its core. The colours and intertwined lines speak to cohesion, harmony and moving together. The subtle reference to the koru cues growth, strength and enduring power.

    THE results

    A shift from aggression to power attracted sponsors, doctors and funding to enable Nāti to reclaim and restore their health.