Creativity into clarity

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    4534 Point 3 Web Credentials Peckish FA
    Client Monde Nissin
    Scope Strategy, Design, Realisation
    THE challenge

    Peckish was being mimicked and at risk of being commoditised. We needed to create distinctiveness and balance out the healthier proposition with flavourful enjoyment.

    THE solve

    Enjoyed by the row, we injected excitement and flavour into the Peckish brand whilst staying true to its light hearted personality and the permissibility of rice. Bold colours, graphic shapes and textures celebrate the air baked layers in every cracker.

    THE results

    Lifting promotional pricing from $0.99 to $1.29 bought profitability back into Peckish. It then allowed Peckish to evolve from a healthy-ish cracker into a snacking brand.